Camping Reminder
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, there is a lot to consider before you leave either home or your campsite. So, this is a reminder that you need to pack and go with a checklist!
Before we leave (either from home or a campsite), I often experience a bit of excitement mixed in with a bit of packing anxiety. The question I find tickling the back of my mind is: “Did I forget anything?” The number one killer of fun are the times we are rushed to leave. However, it is extremely important to take a breath before you hit the open road, and check off the “checklist”.
Preventable mistakes can simply ruin a trip. For example: forgetting to turn off the water pump and then discovering the kitchen tap jiggled to the “on” position during the drive, turning the inside of your trailer into a swimming pool (don’t ask).
Over the years we have compiled a series of checklists. – here they are. 😎
Arriving At A Campsite – Checking It Out
Arriving At A Campsite – Setting Up
Spring De-Winterisation Process