What Are “Chocks” For?

Ball X Chocks
Heavy Duty Rubber Chocks
BeechLane Leveller Kit

I can remember when we owned our T@B Trailer it had the wonderful feature called a “Handbrake” built right into the frame.  All you had to do was pull the handle up, unhitch and drop the stabilisers and enjoy.

Our Airstream Int’l 25 (Blue Streak) does not work that way. There is no “Handbrake” to set.

So our typical set-up when we arrive at a campsite has several variables. The “key” variable is the “level” of the site. If there is a bit of a slope the first thing we do is pull out the “BeechLane Levelling Kit” and place them under the tandem wheels as appropriate to level right/left, then pull the Airstream forward until the unit is ‘level’ (more or less). We then put the BL chocks under the levellers to secure the system. Next we then place the Heavy Duty Rubber Chocks on the opposite side. We then unhitch (leaving the chains attached to Red Dragon, these are the last thing to disconnect until chocked) then using the jack, level front to rear. Once the unit is level, we then take the “Ball X Chocks” and instal them between the wheels, lower our Airstream stabilisers and enjoy!!

We use the RV4Level System Bluetooth to Cell and Hopkins 08201 RV Battery Powered Smart-Level. Levelling the AS is about comfort and the Dometic Refrigerator function. (Go Here for the “Art Of Being Level” Blog Post)

Now, if the campsite is more or less level we can for-go the BeechLane Levelling Kit. Just chock both sides, unhitch (leaving the chains attached as last thing to disconnect from the TV), level front to rear with the jack, insert the Ball X Chocks, drop the stabilisers and enjoy!!


Things we also do including when we are at a full service site:

  1. Before we do the levelling/chocking bit we make sure we can “reach” the site services with our power cord, sewer connection and water hose.
  2. After levelling/chocking and disconnecting from Red Dragon we connect to the site services.
  3. Open the LP Tanks (If Required)
  4. Unlatch the Stove Vent

NOW we can bring out the camp rug, chairs, BBQ etc and enjoy!!!

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