Snow – Let It Snow?
Posted On January 15, 2020
Wow! here it is January 15 and we got SNOW!!!!! This is Vancouver Island, we don’t get snow. Well maybe get a couple of centimeters once or twice each winter. Then it rains and the snow is gone, gone, gone. However, the past couple of days we have had snow. I’m talking about 25-30 centimeters of the white stuff with more to come tonight. (PS for you folks in the USA we’re talking about a foot of snow) Guess I won’t be sitting out on my patio having my morning coffee tomorrow.
Rather, I will be out there brushing off the Red Dragon and shoveling the sidewalk and driveway.
Never-the-less, it is beautiful. In the meantime, I will just stay cozy warm – chestnuts roasting by the open fire.