Little Qualicum A No Go

All the plans of mice and men – as the poem goes.

We’ve had the summer travel/camping plans laid out for June thru September since March (pre-pandemic).  Our usual start plan is for a quick camp (3-5 days) to readjust or adapt to a changed environment: home living to trailer boondocking life.   So we had Little Qualicum Falls set to go to acclimatize BUT damn if I am going to load everything up to spend 5 days in a pouring down rainy muddy boondock 😒 So we decided to hold off for a couple of weeks and just jump straight into our planned travels.  We have found that over the past few year the weather patterns here on Vancouver Island have change to the point that May and early June are no longer that great – unless you’re a duck.

r a duck!

My buddy Paul of Tarsus boldly stated:  “I have learned the Art Of Being Content in any and all things.”  Well, I’m still learning 😎


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