Glamping In September
Sometimes the world is in chaos and during times of chaos we like to get lost. We decided to spend the last two weeks of our camping season at one of our favourite locations on Vancouver Island. Easy to get there – simply drive 200km north on Hwy 19 from our home base to the Menzies Logging road turn off. Follow Menzies for 16 km of bumpity bumpity washboard and gravel (at 30km per hour). Turn right on the Morton Lake (pothole terror from hell) road for 5km – you really want to get there to do this – that last 5km takes about one hour 😫.
What is paradise? There are places on earth that are beyond beautiful and Vancouver Island has places that rank up on the scale of beautiful – now before you want to challenge me, take a look again at the picture above.
and this one
and this one
Hey, I can show you more but you get the picture – beautiful…….